+49 711 39089972
Abt-Fulrad-Straße 2, 73728 Esslingen
Mo - So: 12:00 bis 15:00 - 16:00 bis 22:30

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Dishes That

Fujisapa's Empfehlungen


Washoku - traditional Japanese cuisine is represented by harmony, balance and naturalness. Rice, soba, udon with fish or pickled vegetables are part of the tradition of Japan.
Japanese food such as sushi is a simple combination of ingredients with simple cooking methods.
We will serve traditional Japanese dishes with seasonal ingredients to bring you closer to the culture of Japan.


Vietnam is known for its fresh and aromatic dishes. This is because many and diverse herbs are used in the preparation of dishes. Fresh herbs not only make the dish more visually appealing, they bring out the delicious flavours of the ingredients. You will find them in soups such as pho, (summer) rolls or noodles. At the end of the day, you can expect delicious and fresh Vietnamese dishes in Fujisapa.

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